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Colombiafrank’s Amazonas Colombia Travel Guide

Landscape trip across the Amazon river

Updated on 04/03/2024

Dear readers
My name is Frank and I run a tour operator in Bogota, specializing in custom-made and Colombia luxury travel.

At the end of this guide you will find a list of many other helpful travel guides for Colombia.


In-Depth Look at the Colombian Amazon

The Colombian Amazon is not only a mesmerizing travel destination but also an essential part of the Earth’s ecosystem. This vast region comprises 7 departments, so here is a quick analysis of each one with its unique features:


    • Capital: Leticia
    • Population: Approx. 76,000 (as of 2021)
    • Key Attractions: Amacayacu National Park, Monkey Island, and ethnic tours to indigenous communities
    • Tourism Trends: Since the early 2010s, there has been a steady increase in ecotourism, with visitors reaching over 60,000 annually by 2019. The region experienced a downturn in tourism due to the 2020 pandemic but has been on a recovery path since late 2021.


    • Capital: Florencia
    • Population: Approx. 480,000 (as of 2021)
    • Economic Base: Predominantly livestock, with emerging ecotourism initiatives
    • Tourism Trends: Over the past five years, there has been a push towards ecotourism with a 20% increase in visitors seeking off-the-beaten-path experiences.


    • Capital: Inírida
    • Population: Approx. 40,000 (as of 2021)
    • Key Attractions: Mavicure Mountains, Laguna de las Brujas
    • Tourism Trends: Visitor numbers have been growing, especially since 2018 when the government launched initiatives to promote Guainía’s natural wonders. This resulted in a 30% increase in tourism by 2022.


    • Capital: San José de Guaviare
    • Population: Approx. 114,000 (as of 2021)
    • Economic Base: Agriculture with a focus on sustainable practices
    • Tourism Development: Initiatives for agro-tourism started taking shape in the early 2000s, with a notable rise in visitors interested in farm stays and agricultural tours.


    • Capital: Mocoa
    • Population: Approx. 340,000 (as of 2021)
    • Key Features: Warmer climate with a developing ecotourism sector
    • Climate: Average temperature around 27 °C, with high humidity
    • Tourism: Since 2010, the government has promoted ecotourism projects in Putumayo to highlight its biodiversity.


    • Capital: Mitú
    • Population: Approx. 40,000 (as of 2021)
    • Key Sectors: Agriculture and an emerging tourism sector
    • Tourism Growth: With initiatives from around 2015 aimed at promoting sustainable tourism, Vaupés has seen an influx of travelers interested in authentic Amazon experiences.


    • Capital: Villavicencio
    • Population: Approx. 1 million (as of 2021)
    • Economic Base: Diverse, with livestock, agriculture, mining, and tourism
    • Amazon Proximity: Only a fraction falls within the Amazon basin – Piedemonte Llanero, but serves as a gateway to the region.
    • Tourism Expansion: Since the mid-2010s, Meta has been promoting its unique position as a crossover between the Amazon and the Orinoco regions, resulting in a diversified tourism experience.

Regional Significance and Sustainability Efforts

The Colombian Amazon is not just about tourism; it’s a critical area for conservation efforts. Each department has seen various degrees of environmental and sustainability programs, many of which gained momentum after Colombia’s Amazon rainforest conservation strategic plan was put in place in the early 2010s. These initiatives aim to balance the growth of tourism with the preservation of the Amazon’s unparalleled biodiversity and the well-being of its indigenous communities.

What is the importance of the Amazon region?

The importance of the Amazon region is multifaceted, encompassing environmental, cultural, economic, and scientific aspects:

  • Land Area: The Colombian Amazon encompasses approximately 483,000 square kilometers (about 186,000 square miles), which is around 42% of Colombia’s total land area.
  • Population: It is sparsely populated, with an estimated population density of fewer than three people per square kilometer. For instance, the department of Amazonas has a population of about 76,000 (as per the latest figures around 2020).
  • Biodiversity: There are over 10,000 species of plants in the Colombian Amazon, and it’s home to more than 2,000 species of animals (birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles) and approximately 2.5 million insect species. Fun fact: Colombia is one of the countries with the highest number of bird species, having more than 1,900 recorded.
  • Deforestation Rates: Colombia’s deforestation rates have fluctuated, with a concerning spike in recent years due to various factors. In 2020, the country lost about 158,894 hectares of natural forest in the Amazon biome, according to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies (IDEAM).
  • Carbon Storage: The Amazon Rainforest is a critical carbon sink; the Colombian Amazon alone stores millions of tonnes of carbon. This is vital in mitigating climate change by offsetting carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Indigenous Populations: There are approximately 60 different indigenous groups in the Colombian Amazon, each with their own language and culture. For example, the Ticuna tribe is one of the largest indigenous groups, with a population of around 30,000-35,000 in Colombia.
  • Economic Impact: Ecotourism in the Amazon has seen an increase, with tourists spending millions annually. However, precise figures vary year by year and are difficult to ascertain due to the informal nature of much of this economic activity.
  • Scientific Research: Numerous research stations and conservation projects are scattered throughout the Amazon, like the Amacayacu National Park, which is a hub for biodiversity research and monitoring.

Now you may understand better why conservation efforts in the region are urgent and complex. It’s important to note that the data is constantly changing due to ongoing developments.

Main tourist destinations in the Colombian Amazon

The Colombian Amazon, often referred to as Earth’s “lungs”, offers an unparalleled blend of biodiversity, indigenous cultures, and raw natural beauty. This verdant expanse invites adventurers, eco-tourists, and cultural enthusiasts to explore its treasures. Get ready to take a journey through the main tourist destinations that make the Colombian Amazon a bucket-list destination.

Leticia: The Gateway to the Amazon

Leticia, the capital of the Amazonas department, serves as the primary entry point for travelers. Nestled on the banks of the mighty Amazon River, Leticia is more than just a stopover; it’s a bustling town offering immersive experiences. From here, visitors can take riverboat tours to remote jungle lodges, visit the nearby monkey rehabilitation center at Isla de los Micos, or indulge in the vibrant local market filled with exotic fruits and handicrafts.

Amacayacu National Park: A Biodiversity Haven

No trip to the Colombian Amazon is complete without a visit to Amacayacu National Park. Accessible from Leticia by boat, this park is a sanctuary for pink river dolphins, manatees, and countless bird species. Trekking through its dense forests provides encounters with the giant kapok trees and insights into the indigenous Tikuna community living within the park.

Puerto Nariño: The Amazon’s Eco-Town

About 80 kilometers upriver from Leticia lies Puerto Nariño, a small town often celebrated for its commitment to environmental sustainability. The ‘No-Motor-Vehicles’ policy upholds its serene atmosphere. Lodges here offer guided jungle hikes, piranha fishing excursions, and night safaris to witness the Amazon’s nocturnal life.

Cahuinari National Park: The Untouched Wilderness

For those seeking a path less traveled, Cahuinari National Park is a treasure trove. It’s one of the most pristine areas in the Colombian Amazon, providing habitat for jaguars, pumas, and the elusive tapir. Due to its remote location, visits require planning and permits, but the reward is a truly wild experience.

Tarapoto Lakes: Encounters with Pink Dolphins

The Tarapoto Lakes system, near Puerto Nariño, is an exceptional site where freshwater pink dolphins play in tranquil waters. Boat trips here offer a chance for up-close encounters with these enchanting creatures, often considered guardians of the Amazon River by local lore.

Marasha Nature Reserve: Relaxation and Adventure

Perfect for those who want to experience the Amazon’s tranquility, the Marasha Nature Reserve in Peru is easily accessible from Leticia. It offers a gentle introduction to the jungle, with comfortable accommodation and activities like kayaking, fishing, and nature walks that highlight the delicate ecosystem of the rainforest.

Mocoa: A Gateway to Biodiversity

While slightly outside the Amazon basin, Mocoa serves as a starting point for exploring the fringes of the Amazon. It’s home to attractions such as the endearing Hormigas Waterfall, where the adventurous can rappel down cascading waters, and the Paway Butterfly Farm, showcasing the colorful diversity of Amazonian butterflies.

San José de Guaviare: Rock Art and Jungle

Bridging the Amazon with the Orinoco, San José de Guaviare offers an unusual blend of jungle and ancient rock paintings estimated to be thousands of years old. It’s an open-air gallery set amidst natural wonders like the Guayabero River and the astounding rock formations of Ciudad de Piedra.

Sustainability and Conservation Efforts: As you plan your journey through these destinations, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of sustainable travel practices. The Amazon’s fragile ecosystem and the cultural heritage of its indigenous peoples are under threat due to deforestation and climate change. By choosing eco-friendly tours, respecting cultural sites, and supporting conservation initiatives, travelers can help ensure that the Colombian Amazon remains a vibrant and vital part of our world.

Accommodation Guide in the Colombian Amazon

Visitors to the Colombian Amazon can choose from various accommodation types, each offering a unique experience. Here’s an overview of what you might expect:


Eco-lodges are ideal for travelers looking to connect with nature. They are typically situated in remote areas, providing an intimate experience of the jungle’s flora and fauna.


  • Eco-friendly practices reduce the environmental impact.
  • Direct access to nature and wildlife.
  • Opportunities for guided tours and educational experiences.


  • Limited connectivity and no internet in some areas.
  • Basic amenities compared to city hotels.
  • Accessibility can be challenging, with some only reachable by boat or small aircraft.

City Hotels

In urban areas like Leticia, you’ll find city hotels offering more traditional amenities, including air conditioning—a welcome feature given the region’s hot, humid climate.


  • More luxurious and comfortable.
  • Easy access to urban attractions and services.
  • Often provide air conditioning, which is crucial for a comfortable stay in the city.


  • Less immersive jungle experience.
  • May be less environmentally focused.

Community Lodges

Community lodges are run by indigenous communities and provide a culturally rich experience.


  • Direct contribution to the local economy.
  • Unique insight into the lives of Amazonian communities.
  • Traditional food and customs.


  • More rustic accommodations.
  • Language barriers if not fluent in Spanish or local dialects.

Riverboat Cruises

Riverboat cruises offer the opportunity to see different parts of the Amazon while your accommodation moves with you.


  • Unique perspective of the Amazon River and rainforest.
  • All-inclusive experience with guided excursions.
  • The dynamic nature of travel, seeing different locations.


  • Can be costly.
  • Limited personal space and privacy.
  • Fixed itineraries with less room for spontaneous exploration.

Research Stations

Some visitors may have the opportunity to stay in research stations, which are usually reserved for scientists and students but may sometimes welcome eco-tourists.


  • In-depth educational experience.
  • Participation in conservation efforts.
  • Highly knowledgeable guides and experts on-site.


  • Very basic living conditions.
  • Strict schedules and limited leisure facilities.
  • Often requires advance booking and special permissions.

How to Choose the Right Accommodation in the Colombian Amazon

The key to choosing the right accommodation in the Colombian Amazon is to consider your comfort levels, interest in cultural exchange, and desire for adventure. City hotels and luxury lodges offer more amenities but a less immersive experience, while eco-lodges and community stays provide deeper jungle engagement.

Always ensure that your choice aligns with the kind of experience you wish to have in this richly diverse and beautiful part of the world.

Discover some of the best accommodations in places like Leticia or Puerto Nariño in the Amazon.
Find the perfect lodging by exploring our list of The Best Accommodations in the Amazon.

Food Guide in the Colombian Amazon: Main Dishes and Ingredients

The Colombian Amazon is a region teeming with unique ingredients and dishes that reflect the rich biodiversity and cultural heritage of the area. Here’s a closer look at some specific dishes and ingredients you’ll encounter:

Amazonian Fruits of the Forest

  • Açaí Berries: Often used to make a thick, energy-boosting drink or served as a pulp, these berries are famed for their health benefits.
  • Copoazú: Related to cacao, this fruit has a tangy flavor and is used in desserts and refreshing drinks.
  • Chontaduro (Peach Palm Fruit): Eaten boiled or baked, often with a sprinkle of salt or honey.

Staple Ingredients

  • Manioc (Cassava): This root is a staple in the Amazon and can be used to make bread (casabe), soups, and is even eaten fried or boiled as a side dish.
  • Plantains: Served fried, boiled, or mashed, they are a versatile and filling accompaniment to many meals.
  • Heart of Palm: Extracted from certain palm trees and used in salads and as a vegetable, it has a delicate flavor and crunchy texture.

Amazonian Signature Dishes

  • Moqueca de Pirarucu: A traditional fish stew made with pirarucu, a giant freshwater fish native to the Amazon River, cooked with tomatoes, onions, garlic, and cilantro.
  • Caldo de Patarashca: Fish seasoned with local spices, wrapped in leaves, and grilled over an open flame.
  • Mambeado: A dish made from mambe, green plantain cooked and mashed with fish or meat, seasoned with spices and sometimes served in a bijao leaf.


  • Patarashca: Fish seasoned with spices, wrapped in leaves, and grilled. The leaves impart a unique smoky flavor.
  • Cecina: Dried and salted meat (often beef or pork) that is a staple protein source.
  • Larva de Mojojoy: These edible larvae are considered a delicacy and are often grilled or roasted.

Sauces and Seasonings

  • Ají de Amazonas: A spicy sauce made with local chilies, often accompanying meals.
  • Tucupi: A sauce made from wild manioc root juice, used to flavor dishes, particularly meats and fish.


  • Chicha: A traditional fermented beverage made from yuca or corn. It can be sweet or sour, depending on fermentation.
  • Guarapo: A refreshing drink made from sugarcane juice.

Desserts and Sweets

  • Arroz con Piña: A dessert made with rice and pineapple, often flavored with cloves and cinnamon.
  • Maracuyá (Passion Fruit) Treats: Used in mousse, jellies, and ice creams, adding a tropical tartness to desserts.

Sustainable Eating:

Remember, some dishes might use wild game, but now, restaurants prioritize eco-friendly ingredients to support the preservation of the Amazon, offering a sustainable dining experience.

Cultural Events in the Colombian Amazon

Discover the lively culture of the Colombian Amazon at its festivals and events. Experience traditions, music, and food that bring communities and visitors together in celebration. This guide is your ticket to the fun!


Leticia’s Founding Anniversary

Every April 25th, Leticia, the heart of the Colombian Amazon, erupts in celebration of its founding anniversary. This day is marked by vibrant parades featuring comparsas (carnival troupes), performances by guest artists, and native music. Culinary contests highlight regional flavors, while military parades add a formal touch to the revelry.

Fish Market Showcase

The Fish Market on Leticia’s waterfront becomes a hive of activity as local fishermen proudly display Amazonian fish like gamitana and the mighty pirarucu. The event is not only a feast for the eyes but also an educational experience, where anglers share and learn sustainable fishing practices.


Fiesta Sampedrina

In June, the Fiesta Sampedrina paints a picture of Colombia’s cultural diversity in the Amazonian capital. Representatives from various Colombian communities—paisas, huilenses, costeños, and llaneros—come together to exhibit their unique traditions. Highlights include the crowning of the Bambuco Queen and a procession of beautifully decorated floats.


Amazon Brotherhood Festival

This festival, held in July, is dedicated to fostering good relationships among the Amazon basin countries: Peru, Brazil, and Colombia. It’s a vibrant showcase of craftsmanship, athletic spirit, and the culinary arts, each country offering a taste of its distinct culture.

International Jungle Triathlon

Challenge and endurance take center stage at the International Jungle Triathlon. Athletes traverse a grueling course starting in Peru, cutting through Colombia, and finishing in Brazil. The triathlon demands a 2.5-km swim, 40-km bike ride, and 10-km run through some of the most challenging terrains. Spectators and participants alike revel in the competitive spirit amidst the lush jungle backdrop.


Pirarucú de Oro Festival

Come November, the Pirarucú de Oro Festival celebrates the rich musical heritage and traditional customs shared by the ethnic groups from Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. It’s a symphony of culture that resonates throughout the Amazon.


New Year’s Dolls Parade

The streets of Leticia come alive in December with the New Year’s Dolls Parade, featuring effigies of the year’s most talked-about figures. Participants and onlookers alike indulge in playful flour and water showers, marking a uniquely Amazonian way to ring in the New Year.

Festival of Indigenous Dance, Murga, and Storytelling

Closing the year, this festival is a profound expression of the Amazon’s soul, weaving tales, dances, songs, and the rhythm of Murga—an art form with Spanish roots. Traditional games such as spinning tops, blowgun target shooting, and archery competitions add a playful dimension to this cultural feast.

Transportation Guide in the Colombian Amazon

The Colombian Amazon, an area of unparalleled biodiversity, extends across a vast territory. For travelers seeking to explore this green wilderness, understanding the transportation options is vital. The region’s infrastructure combines land, water, and air travel, each suited to the unique environmental conditions and distances.

Air Transportation

Air travel is a common entry point to the Amazon. The primary hub for visitors is Leticia’s Alfredo Vásquez Cobo International Airport. Regular flights connect Leticia with Bogotá. Due to the Amazon’s vastness and limited road infrastructure, small charter flights or planes are also used to reach more remote areas within the region, making air transport an efficient choice for long-distance travel within the Amazon.

Land Transportation

Leticia, the capital of the Amazonas department, and other frontier towns have a network of taxis and buses for urban travel. Motorcycle taxis are also popular, offering a quick and economical way to navigate the streets.

Beyond the towns, the Amazon’s thick rainforest and sprawling river systems limit land travel. Roads are scarce and often unpaved, making 4×4 vehicles the preferred mode for any significant land travel. In some areas, specially arranged overland expeditions can take visitors on a guided tour through the jungle, although these are less common due to the challenging terrain.

Water Transportation

River travel is the lifeblood of the Amazon, with boats serving as the primary means of transportation between communities, tourist attractions, and natural reserves. From the bustling port in Leticia, visitors can embark on journeys along the Amazon River and its tributaries. Options range from small canoes to larger ferries and riverboats. Canoes, often paddled or motor-driven, are ideal for accessing narrower tributaries and offer an intimate experience of the river’s ecosystem.

Larger vessels, such as river ferries, transport people and goods between larger towns and cities. These vessels range in comfort and size, with some offering cabins and meals for longer journeys.

Local Navigation

For short excursions or visits to nearby indigenous communities, small boats, known as “peque-peques” (motorized canoes), are commonly used. These boats are an integral part of daily life in the Amazon, often seen crisscrossing the rivers loaded with people, produce, and supplies.

Navigating Seasonal Variations

It’s crucial to consider the seasonal variations when planning travel in the Amazon. Water levels in the rivers can fluctuate dramatically between the rainy and dry seasons, affecting where and how you can travel. During the rainy season, when water levels are high, river travel becomes easier and more accessible. Conversely, during the dry season, some routes may be impassable, and air or land travel may become the only options.

Final Considerations

Traveling through the Colombian Amazon requires preparation and flexibility. It’s advisable to check the latest travel advisories, understand seasonal constraints, and consider the environmental impact of your travel choices. With the right planning, navigating the Colombian Amazon can be a truly remarkable experience, offering a blend of adventure, culture, and the raw beauty of nature.

Sunset in the amazon river

Best time to visit the Colombian Amazon

The Amazon’s water levels and rainfall patterns are a product of its tropical rainforest climate, which is characterized by significant precipitation and only slight temperature variations throughout the year. Read on to learn how it works:


  • Annual Rainfall: The Colombian Amazon receives approximately 2,300 to 3,300 millimeters (90 to 130 inches) of rain annually.
  • Rainy Season: Typically, the heaviest rains fall from December to May. During this period, monthly rainfall can exceed 300 millimeters (12 inches), particularly in the peak months from March to May.
  • Dry Season: From June to November, the rainfall decreases significantly, with some months seeing less than 100 millimeters (4 inches) of rain.

Water Levels

  • High Water Season: The water levels in the rivers and floodplains can rise by as much as 12 to 15 meters (39 to 49 feet) during the rainy season. This seasonal flooding can more than triple the width of rivers and is essential for the ecosystem, as it distributes nutrients throughout the forest.
  • Low Water Season: During the dry season, the water levels drop significantly, revealing beaches and previously submerged landscapes. How much the water level varies exactly can depend on the specific area of the Amazon and its tributaries, as well as the yearly differences in rainfall.

Impacts on Flora and Fauna

  • The fluctuations in water levels are key to the Amazon’s biodiversity. They regulate the types of vegetation that grow in different areas and influence animal behaviors and habitats.
  • Some fish species, like the pirarucu, thrive in flooded forest areas during high water season, while others spawn during the receding waters of the dry season.
  • Terrestrial animals such as jaguars, tapirs, and various primates may be more visible during the low water season as they move around the forest floor and riverbanks in search of food.

When planning a visit, it’s important to consider these patterns, as they not only influence accessibility but also what types of wildlife and vegetation will be most prominent. Each season offers a unique perspective of the Amazon, and many travelers choose to visit more than once to experience the different aspects of this dynamic environment.

Risks and Dangerous Animals in the Colombian Amazon

Exploring the Colombian Amazon is an adventure, but it’s essential to be aware of the risks and how to prevent unwanted encounters with the region’s wildlife. Here’s a structured guide to help you stay safe:

Dangerous Wildlife

  • Snakes: Be on the lookout for snakes such as the fer-de-lance. Stick to clear paths and avoid tall grass.
  • Aquatic Life: Piranhas and electric eels live in these waters, but incidents are uncommon. Avoid swimming in areas that aren’t recommended by your guide.
  • Insects: Mosquitoes can carry diseases like malaria. Use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep under a mosquito net.
Green Anaconda in the Colombian Amazon

Prevention Tips

  • Guidance: Always travel with a local guide who knows the area and its hazards.
  • Protective Clothing: Wear boots and long, thick trousers if you’re trekking through the jungle.
  • Health Precautions: Get vaccinated before your trip and carry a first-aid kit for emergencies.
  • Awareness: Stay aware of your surroundings. Don’t reach into holes or crevices, and shake out shoes or clothing before use.
  • Follow Rules: Respect the local guidelines and don’t stray from marked paths or enter restricted areas.

By following these precautions and staying informed, you can safely enjoy the wonders of the Colombian Amazon.

Some recommendations for traveling in the Colombian Amazon

Traveling through the Colombian Amazon offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in nature and indigenous cultures. To ensure a respectful and responsible journey, here are some key recommendations:

Respecting Indigenous Communities

  • Always approach communities with respect for their customs and privacy. Obtain consent before taking photographs or recording videos.
  • Participate in cultural exchanges, but be mindful of not disrupting their way of life.

Environmental Considerations

  • Opt for eco-friendly, non-aerosol insect repellents to protect the environment and local wildlife.
  • Contribute to conservation efforts by avoiding activities that could harm the ecosystem.

Health Precautions

  • Vaccinate against yellow fever at least 10 days before your trip, as it’s a required entry condition for many areas within the Amazon.

Climate and Clothing

  • Prepare for hot, humid conditions with occasional rain by packing lightweight, breathable clothing, along with a waterproof jacket or poncho.
  • Consider bringing airtight containers for food storage to keep wildlife at bay.

Waste Management

  • Always carry out your trash and dispose of it properly to maintain the region’s natural beauty.

Supporting Local Economy

  • Support indigenous communities by purchasing handmade crafts directly from local artisans.
  • Employ the services of local guides for excursions, which not only enhances your experience but also helps sustain the local economy.

Remember, the best way to experience the Colombian Amazon is by embracing its natural rhythm, respecting its inhabitants, and preserving its untouched landscapes for future generations.

What should you bring with you for your trip to the Amazon?

When packing for a trip to the Amazon, it’s crucial to anticipate the diverse conditions you’ll encounter. Here’s a checklist to ensure you’re well-prepared:


  • Long-sleeved shirts and pants: These protect against mosquito bites and the sun. Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that dry quickly.
  • Hat with brim: Offers additional protection from the sun and can help keep insects away from your face.
  • Footwear: Waterproof hiking shoes are essential for treks. Rubber boots are highly recommended during the rainy season for muddy and flooded areas.


  • Insect repellent: A high-quality repellent is crucial to protect against mosquito-borne diseases.
  • Sunscreen: Even under the canopy, sun exposure can be significant. A high-SPF sunscreen is necessary.


  • Flashlight or headlamp: Essential for night walks or any after-dark activities, as many lodges are powered by generators that are turned off at night.
  • Waterproof backpack: A small backpack to carry essentials during excursions. Waterproofing is key to protecting your belongings during rain or boat rides.

Additional Items

  • Reusable water bottle: Stay hydrated in the humid environment and reduce plastic waste.
  • Biodegradable toiletries: Soaps, shampoos, and toothpaste that won’t harm aquatic life if you’re washing in or near natural water sources.
  • Basic first-aid kit: Include items like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any personal medications.


  • Binoculars: Enhance your wildlife viewing experiences.
  • Dry bags: For extra protection for electronics and important documents.
  • Camera with extra batteries/charging packs: Capture the breathtaking flora and fauna. Remember to use silent modes to not disturb wildlife.

Remember that packing light is key for moving around easily, and flexibility is important as plans may change due to weather conditions. Always prioritize eco-friendly products to minimize your impact on the delicate Amazon ecosystem.

My Likes and Dislikes About the Colombian Amazon: A Personal Perspective

What I Like:

  • Breathtaking Biodiversity: The sheer number of species, from the vividly colored macaws to the elusive jaguars, offers a treasure trove for wildlife enthusiasts.
  • Cultural Richness: The opportunity to learn about and interact with indigenous communities is profoundly humbling and enriching, providing insights into ways of life that are deeply connected to nature.
  • Natural Beauty: The landscapes are awe-inspiring, with towering trees, powerful rivers, and an overarching sense of wilderness that’s increasingly rare in our world.
  • Adventure Awaits: Every day promises a new adventure, whether it’s exploring a hidden lagoon or trekking through the rainforest; there’s a constant sense of discovery.
  • Sustainable Tourism Efforts: Observing the efforts of ecotourism which support conservation and local communities is heartening and provides a model for responsible travel.

What I Dislike:

  • Environmental Threats: Witnessing the effects of deforestation, illegal mining, and other environmental threats can be disheartening.
  • Insects and Humidity: The omnipresent mosquitoes and relentless humidity can be a challenge for comfort, despite being integral to the rainforest ecosystem.
  • Accessibility Issues: For some, the difficulty in accessing remote areas may be a barrier, and the limited infrastructure can be a source of frustration.
  • Health Risks: There is a constant need to be vigilant about tropical diseases, which can be a source of concern for travelers.
  • Cultural Misunderstandings: Encountering occasional cultural misunderstandings or witnessing tourists disrespecting local customs can be disappointing.

Colombia Travel Guides

Here you will find travel guides for the most popular regions in Colombia, which we have put together during our extensive travels around the country.

Travel Guides to Colombia’s Small Towns

Here you will find travel guides for less popular destinations in Colombia. Some of these destinations are even real insider tips and not even known to the Colombians as travel destinations.


About Author



Hello! I'm Frank Spitzer, the founder and the heart behind Pelecanus, a specialized tour operator for Colombia travel. My journey in travel is vast and rich – I've explored over 60 countries, absorbing cultures, experiences, and stories along the way. Since 2017, I've been channeling this wealth of global experience into creating unforgettable travel experiences in Colombia.I'm recognized as a leading authority in Colombian tourism, with a deep-seated passion for sharing this beautiful country with the world. You can catch glimpses of my travel adventures and insights around Colombia on my YouTube channel. I'm also active on social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, where I share the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of Colombia.For professional networking, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Join me on this incredible journey, and let's explore the wonders of Colombia together!

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